Porque as micotoxinas são um risco para os pets? Micotoxinas são definidas como metabólitos secundários, produzidos por fungos pluricelulares ou filamentosos, sem função bioquímica no crescimento ou em seu desenvolvimento, sendo capazes de causar respostas tóxicas quando ingeridas por humanos ou animais de diferentes espécies. No contexto da indústria pet, este tema ganha relevância uma […]
Sabe-se que o microbioma desempenha um papel fundamental no metabolismo e na saúde geral do animal, englobando o fornecimento de energia para o hospedeiro, a produção de metabólitos por meio de processos fermentativos e o auxílio na resistência à colonização por microrganismos patogênicos (YANG et al., 2017). Portanto, o estabelecimento precoce da microbiota intestinal, bem […]
Check out the main biomarkers of the feline microbiota and the impact of functional ingredients such as yeast on modulating the microbiome.
Lilian Stefano Ferreira Blumer¹, Vanessa Olszewski², Mayara Farias Lopes Barbosa³, Ana Beatriz Xavier Cachichi4, Adriana Figueiredo5. ¹ Veterinary doctor and professor at Faculdade Anhaguera.² Veterinary doctor and technical coordinator at Aleris Nutrition.³ Veterinary doctor, postgraduate student in Feline Medicine at Univitória.4 Graduate in veterinary medicine at Universidade Paulista (UNIP) Campinas.5 Zootechnician and technical manager at Aleris […]
From precision nutrition to nutrigenomics: new times for formulation require even finer adjustments.
With rising costs and market pressure to use more sustainable ingredients, these become two major points to be observed by the egg production sector, requiring each professional responsible for formulations to make even more precise adjustments in laying hen nutrition to apply the concept of precision nutrition translates […]
Authors: Alexandre Carvalho Wakatsuki – Zootechnician – Technical Consultant in Aquaculture – ZooPeixes Consultoria Vanessa Olszewski – Veterinary Doctor – MSc. Monogastric Nutrition UFPR – Technical Coordinator Aleris Nutrition The intensification of fish production in Brazil is an expanding activity and shows the need to seek efficiency in its processes and procedures with regard to […]
By Ricardo Pereira Manzano* and Vanessa Olszewski** Yeasts of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae are unicellular organisms important for the production of food, beverages, fuels and in the pharmaceutical industry. In recent decades, studies have demonstrated the viability of different yeast-based products for the food and animal health industry with positive impacts on the protein production chain […]
YEAST AND FERMENTED FRACTIONS OF CEREALS Yeasts and fermented fractions of cereals (GOLDSAC – Aleris commercial brand), unlike DDGS, go through a process of standardization and uniformity of the production stages, where the final objective is to obtain a product rich in yeast together with nutrients coming from different fermented fractions of the cereals used […]
The concept of using yeast is widespread in animal nutrition, however, some information still needs to be demystified. And, ALERIS, a company still young on the market, has stood out for structuring its principles in transparency and quality standards in the selection and commercialization of dehydrated yeast. The series that makes up three articles […]