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411 University St, Seattle

Aleris Mexico

Aleris Animal Nutrition reinforces its operations in Mexico

Announcement is part of the newly signed strategic partnership between Aleris Animal Nutrition and the Nutriplan Group aiming to expand the participation of Aleris nutritional solutions to Mexico and the region. The partnership signed with the Nutriplan Health and Animal Nutrition Group (Pachuca de Soto, Hudalgo/Mexico) was Aleris's bet with a view to expanding its participation […]

Webinar Gestup Aleris Cultron

Aleris Webinar addresses cattle performance using yeast culture 

Online event was supported by Gesta'Up, a company specialized in integrated solutions for beef cattle farming. The webinar “The Impact of Yeast Culture on the Performance of Cattle in Confinement: results and benefits”, took place last Thursday (09/12 , at 7:30 pm), bringing together leading experts in beef cattle farming. Names of expression in the activity such as Ricardo Manzano, Mikael […]


The impact of yeast culture on the performance of cattle in a confinement system 

Webinar will bring together important experts in the segment who will present technical information on the results and benefits of the Cultron line Aleris, a company specialized in multispecies animal nutrition, will hold on December 9th at 7:30 pm (Brasília/DF time) the webinar “The Impact of Yeast Culture in the Performance of Cattle in Confinement: results and benefits”, an event that features […]

Cultron presents: Prof. Mikael Neumann with super tips on Silage

IN TOTAL THERE WILL BE EIGHT VIDEOS PRESENTED BY AGRONOMIST PROF. DR MIKAEL NEUMANN SPECIALIST IN RUMINANT NUTRITION AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTION Check out the series of videos on silage and its fermentative processes, entitled “Silage and its Fermentative Processes: The Importance of Roughage in Ruminant Nutrition”, presented by agronomist and professor Dr. Mikael Neumann […]

Featured Aleris Technologies

ALERIS TECHNOLOGIES WERE HIGHLIGHTED IN THIS MONTH'S EDITION OF THE NEWSPAPER 'O PRESENTE RURAL' The publication highlights the use of Artificial Intelligence to support the development of diets aligned to the specific needs of production animals and the petfood industry. Named MAC (Microbiota Activating Compounds), it appears as a new class of technology at the service of […]